Are You A Real Fan?

Or you might be a fake one… Either way, I love both equally, however the treatment they receive from me is quite different.

Maybe you think I’m going to go through and describe the contrast. There’s only one type I’m in the mood to characterize because this is one of the ways the treatment is different, lol

It’s like this… Know that I make myself available. This is my first contribution. I know I have a strong and varied skill set and I opt to share in this capacity as well. As a professional lover, it gives me much joy to foster comfortable, discreet and authentic relations, especially in a society where it’s cool to be tough and supposedly safe to be emotionally unattached. Naw, interdependence is necessary for joy and for the easy flow of creativity. Fluid connections makes things more beautiful. Being in love is being in love and it brings out the best in us. I absolutely love stimulating this. Anybody can stir up lust, I think, but I take satisfaction in seducing the whole. My mindset is to interchange, not just give. Consider the distinction…

Picture 573

Wanna date with me? Click my pic;-)

A true admirer is willing to enthusiastically participate. It’s a matter of sharing what they have in appreciation for the talents and gifts offered. It is an understanding that it’s not about “Nothing in life is free” but rather observing the Law of Exchange (LOE). LOE explains how all-there-is intermingles. It’s the dance of give and take. Depending on the intention and spirit of exchanges, determines the degree of expansion.

Some folks resist growth/change, so their contributions are meager and slighted, even the offerings to themselves. Then they wonder why they get the treatment they do.

I love authentic followers. It is important to me to keep things spicy, to proffer my best. I must express my love. As much as your my fan, I am more (cuz I’m competitive and it’s fun) of yours.

Hopefully, this will better explain the banning that goes on in my room. May it clarify why a session must be booked and paid to get my Skype id, to engage in a video call with me or to chat with me at length. Freeloaders and beggars drain the ambiance. Though I value the person, I nor my room appreciate the lack of consideration. From love, I mustn’t enable that behavior by allowing it in my chat or anywhere else. Speak with me in respect. If not, I will ignore you cuz secretly that’s what you may expect and I refuse to facilitate low level attitudes. Thank goodness for them though for it helps to know the difference between quality engagements versus the raggedy ones, lol

My intention is to make it worth your while. A real fan would know that đŸ™‚

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